All products remain in the possession of JIL KOEHN until full payment has been made.

All prices are final and do not include sales tax according to § 19 UStG.

In the JIL KOEHN online shop you have the following payment options:

  • Payment in advance

  • Payment by invoice

  • Payment by Paypal

  • Payment by Apple Pay

  • Payment with credit card


When paying in advance, we ask you to transfer the full invoice amount including any shipping costs, stating the intended use, to our account within 7 calendar days of receipt of the order. I will send you our bank details by email after we have received your order. Your order will be reserved for a period of 7 calendar days. As soon as your payment has been received on our account, the goods will be shipped.

We offer customers whom we know personally and who have already paid in advance in previous orders, to receive an invoice with the dispatch of the goods and to pay them within 15 days.

When paying with PayPal, you pay directly via your PayPal account. After submitting your order, you will be redirected to PayPal. As soon as our PayPal account has been informed of the authorization, the goods will be dispatched taking into account the specified delivery time.

When paying with Apple Pay, you pay with your authorized Apple device directly via your Apple Pay account. As soon as we have been informed of the authorization, the goods will be dispatched taking into account the specified delivery time.

Credit card payments are made through the payment provider STRIPE. We offer you a high security standard and treat all data confidentially. Your credit card details are encrypted using the SSL process. For security reasons, your data will not be saved, so you will have to re-enter it every time you purchase.