
The design of the LAST BRANCH No.3 brooch is characterized by an archaic and at the same time puristic appearance, perfect for aesthetically minded who value meaningful shapes and a simple appearance. The shape of the brooch was originally a real wood branch, from which I created a casting mold and cast the natural find in solid sterling silver: a little homage to nature. LAST BRANCH No.3 can be ordered in silver or anthracite (blackened silver). The anthracite color is obtained by briefly dipping the piece of jewelry in black stain. LAST BRANCH No.3 looks very good on monochrome clothing. Due to its high weight of 24g sterling silver, LAST BRANCH No.3 is only suitable for blazers, jackets and coats. If you have any questions about LAST BRANCH No.3, please feel free to contact me using the contact form below. I look forward to hearing from you // See below for further details.

Material: 925 silver | Site: 75x7x7mm | Weight: 24g | Handmade in Germany





Due a small serial production, deviations in color, size and quality may occur. These deviations are not a defect but are the result of manual work. Any of those deviations cannot be declared as a material defect. Please note that the colors on your screen may differ from the original colors.


I offer my customers to design LAST BRANCH No.3 in a color (silver or anthracite) and alloy of their choice. If you are interested in a custom-made product, please contact me, so we can discuss your ideas. Please note that the right of withdrawal unfortunately cannot be used for custom-made products.


LAST BRANCH No.3 will be ready for shipment within 4 working days if the model of your desired design is in stock. In case of a custom-made model the shipping time is extended to about 7-20 working days due to production time. Regularly I ship via HERMES. If you wish a different delivery by e.g. UPS or DHL, please let me know in the comments. More informations about shipping.


When attaching your LAST BRANCH No.3 brooch to your garment, double-check the stability. LAST BRANCH No.3 works best on blazers, jackets and coats. Light fabrics and coarse meshed fabrics are not good for holding your jewelry. For jewelry made of silver, it is important not to leave it in the bathroom. The increased sulfur content in the bathroom air reacts with silver, so that a thin layer of silver sulfide forms on the metal surface and the jewelry can tarnish from yellowish to black. Therefore, always put your jewelry in a box when not in use or even better: in a zip bag and then in a box. For some people silver jewelry tarnishes within a few days, for others nothing happens for years. This is due to the individual composition of the skin sweat, which can also react with silver jewelry due to its hydrogen sulfide content. Cosmetics containing sulfur, such as creams and powders, can also affect your jewelry. Therefore, always make sure that you handle your treasures with care.

If you choose an anthracite-colored version, please note that it can happen that the jewelry becomes a little lighter with time and tends from an anthracite to a gray. This is completely normal! If you wish a refurbishment or a new blackening, please contact me. I will refurbish your piece of jewelry free of charge, you only have to pay for the transport.

With jewelry, it is like with your own wallet: if you take good care of it, nothing will get lost! I also thought that I can put my favorite ring “just for a moment“ in my pocket for washing my hands. I thought as well that the filigree earrings won’t get damaged when I put them into my handbag. Experience shows that this NEVER works well! For this reason: treat your jewelry like a treasure, because that‘s what it is! Think about which piece of jewelry you would feel most comfortable with today. If you take it off, put it directly into a box or always carry a small pouch with you. Your jewelry will thank you and so will you :)


Please make sure that babies and toddlers do not have access to your piece of jewelry. Babies and toddlers could chew on it or even swallow it.


If you are interested in the ring CARBO II, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!